All 1-1, workshop & training day customers are bound by these terms & conditions, whether bought from the website or by any other means. Please take the time to read & understand them. If you have any questions please get in touch.
All workshops are paid for in advance unless by arrangement.
Vouchers are non refundable.
Vouchers are only transferable at the discretion of the issuer.
Wolfshead Photographic will not hold any customer data after the event unless requested by the customer to do so.
It is the customer’s responsibility to contact us. If a callback is requested we will make reasonable attempts to do so, but ultimately it’s up to you to call us to book.
For health & safety reasons, we need to discuss you booking with you in person. This can’t be done by email or any other messaging services, so please ring us. It really is for your own safety so please bear with us!
Please call within office hour (9-5 weekdays)
Nature Photography is often undertaken in areas that are inherently risky. Whilst every precaution is taken to ensure your safety, we ask that you realise this and that all activities are taken at your own peril.
You are responsible for the safety of your own equipment.
Wolfshead Photographic reserve the right to cancel any training day if it is felt that a client is inappropriately equipped to cope with weather or terrain conditions. The course will be rebooked at our discretion.
Any abuse of staff, verbal or physical, will result in immediate cancellation with no rebooking.
Whilst we will try to accommodate all requests, sometimes it is not possible to manage all expectations. We ask that you take this into consideration.
We genuinely hope you enjoy your time with us. However, sometimes things go wrong. If this is the case, please speak to us and we’ll do our best to sort it out for you.